Friday, 1 July 2011


Salam, update again wif my pre-owned collection ^^ I bought this hijab back few month.  Condition totally new.  Size for this hijab a bit small depends on how you style it.

Item Model: Tudung Mawar Fareeda ropol tones
(as pic above)

Original Price: RM95
OUR PRICERM85 including postage 

 Status: 100% new

Friday, 24 June 2011


Salam, mini update for Friday ^^ BRAND NEW shoes from wondershoes. Bought it last few month but still don't get the chance to wear it.  Good quality Indonessian label..for bloggers out there you must be familiar with this brand right? hihi..

credit to:

Item Model: X224

Original Price: RM62 + rm50 international postage + tax = rm112
OUR PRICERM100 including postage 

 Status: 100% new
size: 37

Details: refer HERE

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

NEW BATCH UP! update on my pre-owned collection. 100% new ya. Belum sempat nak pki lagi ^__^
I bought all this from online blogshop. This is your chances to have it.

I bought this vintage outfit because of its unique design n after all its POL KA DOT!

unfortunately, its a polyester, even it was not sheer like chiffon material, but somehow i don't feel comfortable wearing it without inner. and i am not a person who like to wear inner t-shirt T__T
so i need to let go this one. 

credit to:
credit to:
 fuhh.. the back part is my fav ^__^
credit to:

Item Name: Vintage polka dot

Original Price: RM39 excluding postage
OUR PRICERM39 including postage 

 Status: 100% new (Vintage)

Details: refer HERE

credit to:

credit to:
Item Name: Jewel Chiffon Top

Original Price: RM56 including postage
OUR PRICERM50 including postage

 Status: 100% new

Details: refer HERE

Postage here is POS LAJU (Cepat dan selamat). 
All pictures and info credits to the blogshops (its not mine).
any question, do let me me...

Thursday, 19 May 2011

3rd BATCH UP! update on my pre-owned collection. 100% new ya. Belum sempat nak pki lagi ^__^

credit to:
 Item Name: Indian Rose Blouse

Original Price: RM54 including postage
OUR PRICERM47 including postage

 Status: 100% new

Details: light cotton, sleeves 3/4 ya..

Enjoy 10% off with 24hours payment.tq

credit to:
 Item Name: Lounge Jersey Pants 

Original Price: RM62 including postage
OUR PRICERM55 including postage

 Status: 100% new

Details: stretchable high quality jersey cotton.
ITS IS WIDE LEG PANT..sgt femes skang nih k..sgt selesa juge..

Enjoy 10% off with 24hours payment.tq

credit to:

credit to :

 Item Name: Long Fishtail 

Original Price: RM45 excluding postage
OUR PRICERM38 including postage

 Status: 100% new

Details: refer HERE

Enjoy 10% off with 24hours payment.tq

Grab now ya..price terbaek sy bg..hihi

Monday, 9 May 2011


picture credit to: ammara hijabi 


picture credit to: ammara hijabi
Item Name: ammara jolie stylish top

Original Price: RM55 excluding postage
OUR PRICERM45 including postage

 Status: 100% new

Details: refer HERE

Enjoy 10% off with 24hours payment.tq

Friday, 6 May 2011

Jumpsuit for Today

credit to :
Salam..this is the first must go! why?

the story begin here, love at first sight once i read about it here. Beli tanpa fikir panjang. did not fit me T__T My suggestion, sesuai untuk M size kebwh ya.sgt2 cantik jumpsuit ni. HOT TREND nowdays.


Assalamualaikum n Hello again ^__^

Salam perkenalan untuk semua.  Didalam blog nih terdapat DUA KATEGORI UTAMA iaitu:

  • 100% NEW maksudnya, baju/seluar/shawl/bag yang nor jual ini, tidak pernah digunakan samasekali. kualiti dan keadaannya masih 100% tip top.

  • WORN with condition (scale from 1-10)
--------- Jika skala 1-4 : sudah digunakan dengan kerapnya.
--------- Jika skala 5-8: sudah digunakan beberapa kali..xde exact number..gune kejap2 sgt.
--------- Jika skala 9-10: means baru digunakan sekali sahaja

Harga yang ditawarkan adalah lebih murah dari harga asal dan termasuk wang pos. Jimat kan ^^ Pakaiaan ini dijual semula disebabkan beberapa masalah (salah saiz la selalunya, n xtau nak pki time ble sbb bnyk sgt baju baru every week). hihi....
Jika ada sebarang keraguan, jgn risau, boleh terus email kepada saya di